all postcodes in TN38 / ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN38 0XT 29 0 50.865777 0.545027
TN38 0XU 6 0 50.864976 0.544629
TN38 0XW 8 0 50.858781 0.540426
TN38 0XX 5 0 50.866136 0.545445
TN38 0XY 33 0 50.865204 0.546531
TN38 0YA 6 0 50.856257 0.55015
TN38 0YB 6 0 50.856452 0.550673
TN38 0YD 24 0 50.858044 0.550703
TN38 0YE 6 0 50.853784 0.551351
TN38 0YF 6 0 50.853814 0.551637
TN38 0YG 6 0 50.853862 0.551909
TN38 0YH 11 0 50.866234 0.545919
TN38 0YJ 17 0 50.865883 0.546753
TN38 0YL 12 0 50.853688 0.549017
TN38 0YN 16 0 50.852599 0.54961
TN38 0YP 12 0 50.866287 0.550101
TN38 0YQ 7 0 50.856176 0.539446
TN38 0YR 8 0 50.866793 0.548736
TN38 0YS 9 0 50.866226 0.548747
TN38 0YT 25 0 50.865966 0.54997