all postcodes in TN38 / ST. LEONARDS-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN38 8EG 8 0 50.870717 0.520081
TN38 8EH 76 0 50.851811 0.527544
TN38 8EJ 12 0 50.851813 0.528311
TN38 8EL 19 0 50.892511 0.537042
TN38 8EN 31 0 50.890935 0.536133
TN38 8EP 53 0 50.891104 0.534307
TN38 8EQ 32 0 50.892386 0.534504
TN38 8ER 6 0 50.892303 0.535822
TN38 8ES 17 0 50.892006 0.533758
TN38 8ET 39 0 50.889164 0.538737
TN38 8EU 19 0 50.889166 0.534912
TN38 8EW 54 0 50.891007 0.537515
TN38 8EX 17 0 50.889326 0.535405
TN38 8EY 12 0 50.892258 0.53902
TN38 8HH 35 2 50.858236 0.534044
TN38 8WA 1 1 50.867823 0.548124
TN38 8WD 60 0 50.872799 0.52487
TN38 8WX 1 1 50.867823 0.548124
TN38 8BQ 0 50.890667 0.539943
TN38 8BS 0 50.889891 0.539644