all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 3RD 33 0 50.839452 0.447913
TN39 3RE 50 0 50.837881 0.44516
TN39 3RF 42 0 50.84482 0.453521
TN39 3RG 27 0 50.842658 0.449388
TN39 3RH 26 0 50.845642 0.45551
TN39 3RJ 37 1 50.84509 0.453109
TN39 3RL 18 0 50.844955 0.449664
TN39 3RN 17 0 50.844198 0.447579
TN39 3RP 31 0 50.843375 0.449084
TN39 3RQ 10 0 50.843867 0.451809
TN39 3RR 22 0 50.843673 0.448603
TN39 3RS 23 0 50.84489 0.446139
TN39 3RT 41 0 50.842042 0.446628
TN39 3RU 10 0 50.84653 0.445755
TN39 3RW 18 0 50.845274 0.447308
TN39 3RX 4 0 50.845634 0.446446
TN39 3RY 5 0 50.845974 0.446137
TN39 3RZ 6 0 50.845991 0.445529
TN39 3SA 18 0 50.840963 0.444881
TN39 3SB 12 0 50.840181 0.446601