all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 4HG 35 1 50.848221 0.455163
TN39 4HH 39 0 50.85107 0.459106
TN39 4HJ 9 0 50.8498 0.454493
TN39 4HL 37 0 50.850995 0.456687
TN39 4HN 16 0 50.850827 0.454021
TN39 4HP 18 0 50.847244 0.456731
TN39 4HQ 13 0 50.848883 0.456633
TN39 4HR 8 0 50.847934 0.457265
TN39 4HS 4 4 50.846326 0.466983
TN39 4HU 35 1 50.845849 0.462115
TN39 4HW 24 0 50.851409 0.454989
TN39 4HX 40 0 50.849289 0.458714
TN39 4HZ 26 1 50.848254 0.458304
TN39 4JA 21 0 50.845904 0.458834
TN39 4JB 19 1 50.846575 0.454338
TN39 4JD 12 0 50.846294 0.44972
TN39 4JG 39 0 50.847173 0.452225
TN39 4JE 4 1 50.846344 0.446469
TN39 4JF 1 1 50.840438 0.474273
TN39 4JH 21 0 50.847312 0.453055