all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

find any address or company within the TN39 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 4LJ 58 2 50.854092 0.45145
TN39 4LL 6 0 50.851002 0.452084
TN39 4LN 18 0 50.850335 0.452177
TN39 4LP 17 0 50.851414 0.453057
TN39 4LQ 5 0 50.849991 0.450155
TN39 4LR 1 1 50.845325 0.433304
TN39 4LS 17 0 50.850984 0.450378
TN39 4LT 24 0 50.84956 0.447973
TN39 4LU 4 0 50.849212 0.446108
TN39 4LW 21 0 50.85209 0.450379
TN39 4LX 11 0 50.849934 0.435263
TN39 4LY 13 0 50.849292 0.447874
TN39 4LZ 21 0 50.850039 0.446577
TN39 4NA 29 0 50.850859 0.434444
TN39 4NB 11 0 50.851124 0.434245
TN39 4ND 54 3 50.852239 0.433422
TN39 4NE 23 0 50.850268 0.432595
TN39 4NF 7 0 50.850902 0.433253
TN39 4NG 28 0 50.849439 0.431799
TN39 4NH 8 0 50.851493 0.432957