all postcodes in TN40 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN40 1GX 1 50.840443 0.474243
TN40 1HA 3 50.838843 0.475025
TN40 1HE 2 50.839056 0.47457
TN40 1HF 1 50.838178 0.475857
TN40 1HG 0 50.8385 0.474254
TN40 1HH 9 50.840072 0.474352
TN40 1HJ 1 50.840083 0.474239
TN40 1HL 0 50.840622 0.485093
TN40 1HN 7 50.839691 0.474502
TN40 1HP 5 50.839993 0.475512
TN40 1HS 1 50.839978 0.47581
TN40 1HT 7 50.839573 0.475391
TN40 1HX 2 50.839023 0.475718
TN40 1HY 4 50.840217 0.476433
TN40 1HZ 0 50.840713 0.482939
TN40 1JA 5 50.839899 0.476558
TN40 1JB 9 50.83948 0.476394
TN40 1JG 3 50.840103 0.478828
TN40 1JH 0 50.839604 0.478588
TN40 1JJ 1 50.838823 0.47724