all postcodes in TN4 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN4 0TF 6 0 51.162825 0.262702
TN4 0TG 4 0 51.162583 0.264521
TN4 0TH 16 0 51.169332 0.249503
TN4 0TJ 5 0 51.170044 0.24991
TN4 0TL 4 0 51.169817 0.246723
TN4 0TN 15 0 51.168036 0.248153
TN4 0TP 16 0 51.167303 0.249791
TN4 0TQ 20 0 51.16909 0.251795
TN4 0TR 20 0 51.168315 0.249511
TN4 0TS 7 0 51.166602 0.247897
TN4 0TT 17 0 51.165622 0.247392
TN4 0TU 27 0 51.166546 0.246135
TN4 0TW 17 0 51.168023 0.247408
TN4 0TX 10 0 51.166379 0.249202
TN4 0TY 15 0 51.166839 0.250541
TN4 0UA 8 0 51.165749 0.24827
TN4 0UB 12 0 51.165596 0.25018
TN4 0UD 14 0 51.164939 0.249232
TN4 0UE 10 0 51.165383 0.251414
TN4 0UH 5 0 51.179515 0.259628