all postcodes in TN4 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN4 0ET 17 0 51.155033 0.259261
TN4 0EU 20 0 51.155512 0.259054
TN4 0EX 26 2 51.155491 0.257911
TN4 0EY 10 0 51.155345 0.256617
TN4 0EZ 12 0 51.156644 0.256852
TN4 0HA 17 0 51.156198 0.256585
TN4 0HB 14 0 51.155838 0.257068
TN4 0HD 24 0 51.15665 0.257467
TN4 0HE 22 0 51.156514 0.258504
TN4 0HF 13 0 51.155855 0.258528
TN4 0HG 23 0 51.156188 0.257659
TN4 0HJ 52 0 51.156875 0.25888
TN4 0HL 28 1 51.156974 0.25794
TN4 0HN 16 0 51.15673 0.256053
TN4 0HP 14 0 51.157138 0.256359
TN4 0HQ 10 2 51.155918 0.259047
TN4 0HR 9 0 51.157626 0.259043
TN4 0HS 25 0 51.157227 0.257896
TN4 0HY 3 0 51.152848 0.253635
TN4 0HZ 1 0 51.151879 0.251171