all postcodes in TN8 / EDENBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN8 5EL 6 0 51.198625 0.057918
TN8 5EN 12 0 51.198937 0.058104
TN8 5EP 8 0 51.200483 0.057128
TN8 5ES 29 0 51.201853 0.055443
TN8 5ET 5 0 51.192716 0.06713
TN8 5EU 9 0 51.202555 0.055889
TN8 5EW 5 0 51.199502 0.057671
TN8 5EX 9 0 51.19669 0.059578
TN8 5EY 4 0 51.19666 0.058732
TN8 5GN 11 2 51.191175 0.069379
TN8 5HA 28 0 51.196752 0.057592
TN8 5HB 4 0 51.196045 0.05736
TN8 5HD 8 0 51.195388 0.056872
TN8 5HE 22 0 51.1958 0.058508
TN8 5HF 11 0 51.194151 0.060768
TN8 5HG 20 0 51.197333 0.058777
TN8 5HH 16 0 51.19615 0.056403
TN8 5HJ 8 0 51.195975 0.059687
TN8 5HL 21 0 51.194724 0.060879
TN8 5HN 9 0 51.19455 0.052369