all postcodes in TN8 / EDENBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN8 7BH 7 0 51.174016 0.154905
TN8 7BL 4 0 51.173684 0.147123
TN8 7BN 8 0 51.168592 0.141379
TN8 7BP 12 0 51.167083 0.135359
TN8 7BQ 6 0 51.179974 0.155729
TN8 7BS 11 0 51.167491 0.14007
TN8 7BT 8 0 51.163328 0.140563
TN8 7BU 8 0 51.162281 0.14123
TN8 7DA 4 0 51.165537 0.126274
TN8 7DB 9 0 51.163802 0.131317
TN8 7DD 9 0 51.162544 0.140599
TN8 7DE 6 0 51.165014 0.14622
TN8 7DG 4 0 51.161283 0.146104
TN8 7DQ 1 0 51.16047 0.146324
TN8 7DH 1 0 51.158744 0.155096
TN8 7DJ 7 0 51.156902 0.151578
TN8 7DL 1 0 51.153254 0.156771
TN8 7DN 7 0 51.151126 0.147763
TN8 7DP 16 0 51.149103 0.116713
TN8 7DR 5 0 51.154069 0.110119