all postcodes in TN9 / TONBRIDGE

find any address or company within the TN9 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN9 1DH 17 8 51.19719 0.275623
TN9 1DJ 1 1 51.195943 0.275562
TN9 1DL 16 11 51.196254 0.275648
TN9 1DQ 22 0 51.196351 0.277228
TN9 1DR 10 6 51.195649 0.275332
TN9 1DS 12 0 51.194947 0.273609
TN9 1DT 4 2 51.195116 0.273245
TN9 1DU 6 2 51.194354 0.273479
TN9 1DW 4 0 51.196532 0.279971
TN9 1DX 1 1 51.194493 0.272914
TN9 1DY 13 0 51.198129 0.276342
TN9 1EA 27 1 51.196105 0.279735
TN9 1EB 15 0 51.196527 0.280658
TN9 1ED 4 0 51.193419 0.27216
TN9 1EE 30 9 51.194477 0.2737
TN9 1EH 29 12 51.193776 0.273208
TN9 1EJ 32 15 51.19299 0.27241
TN9 1EL 1 1 51.192349 0.271663
TN9 1EP 15 15 51.193243 0.271879
TN9 1ER 7 3 51.193473 0.272548