all postcodes in TN / Tunbridge Wells

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District

TN / Tunbridge Wells

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN1 1XF 44 19 51.128434 0.261851
TN1 1XJ 12 8 51.127985 0.2609
TN1 1XL 17 12 51.127927 0.262026
TN1 1XP 12 12 51.127219 0.260062
TN1 1XU 10 7 51.12763 0.261568
TN1 1XX 3 3 51.127462 0.260946
TN1 1XY 1 1 51.127336 0.260982
TN1 1XZ 6 2 51.127334 0.260611
TN1 1YB 16 7 51.127789 0.260804
TN1 1YF 4 3 51.127449 0.260216
TN1 1YG 4 4 51.127208 0.260161
TN1 1YJ 12 0 51.126828 0.260156
TN1 1YL 20 3 51.127531 0.261977
TN1 1YN 6 0 51.127114 0.263071
TN1 1YP 12 4 51.127028 0.263425
TN1 1YQ 24 17 51.126914 0.259917
TN1 1YR 25 1 51.1268 0.263041
TN1 1YS 31 14 51.127422 0.26163
TN1 1YW 17 1 51.127491 0.262734
TN1 1YX 1 1 51.126782 0.259397