all postcodes in TQ2 / TORQUAY

find any address or company within the TQ2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TQ / Torquay

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TQ2 5PE 18 1 50.4639 -3.530501
TQ2 5PF 22 0 50.466842 -3.535218
TQ2 5PG 30 0 50.467756 -3.532739
TQ2 5PH 1 1 50.46731 -3.531062
TQ2 5PJ 2 2 50.466874 -3.532077
TQ2 5PL 10 8 50.465437 -3.527831
TQ2 5PN 3 3 50.465769 -3.528942
TQ2 5PR 2 2 50.466206 -3.5299
TQ2 5PS 11 7 50.466413 -3.529554
TQ2 5PU 3 3 50.46743 -3.531559
TQ2 5PW 11 9 50.46593 -3.528693
TQ2 5PY 22 11 50.467199 -3.530664
TQ2 5QB 14 14 50.467851 -3.531686
TQ2 5QG 21 13 50.467784 -3.531979
TQ2 5QL 8 0 50.470388 -3.538405
TQ2 5QP 25 9 50.468905 -3.533905
TQ2 5QQ 2 0 50.467558 -3.53241
TQ2 5QR 19 1 50.468851 -3.533889
TQ2 5QS 27 6 50.46981 -3.53592
TQ2 5QT 5 0 50.469794 -3.536385