all postcodes in TQ3 / PAIGNTON

find any address or company within the TQ3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TQ / Torquay

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TQ3 3DF 1 50.437645 -3.57314
TQ3 3DG 0 50.437672 -3.574507
TQ3 3DH 0 50.437889 -3.573064
TQ3 3DJ 0 50.438222 -3.573694
TQ3 3DL 0 50.436804 -3.575464
TQ3 3DN 0 50.437257 -3.574563
TQ3 3DP 0 50.43788 -3.572387
TQ3 3DQ 0 50.437353 -3.576144
TQ3 3DS 0 50.437236 -3.569763
TQ3 3DT 19 50.437054 -3.567898
TQ3 3DU 4 50.436322 -3.5679
TQ3 3DX 1 50.436296 -3.56807
TQ3 3DY 0 50.436396 -3.568423
TQ3 3DZ 2 50.436177 -3.568926
TQ3 3EA 0 50.429521 -3.583276
TQ3 3ED 1 50.435843 -3.568067
TQ3 3EF 5 50.435672 -3.568388
TQ3 3EN 6 50.435587 -3.57068
TQ3 3EP 0 50.435882 -3.570775
TQ3 3EQ 11 50.435679 -3.569597