all postcodes in TQ4 / PAIGNTON

find any address or company within the TQ4 postcode district

Postcode Area

TQ / Torquay

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TQ4 7PB 6 3 50.421675 -3.599977
TQ4 7PD 6 3 50.422641 -3.596678
TQ4 7PE 12 2 50.420259 -3.597677
TQ4 7PF 2 1 50.417554 -3.609457
TQ4 7PG 2 0 50.415312 -3.610728
TQ4 7PH 5 0 50.41835 -3.599781
TQ4 7PJ 7 6 50.421486 -3.592116
TQ4 7PL 4 0 50.425838 -3.592392
TQ4 7PQ 13 1 50.416278 -3.600884
TQ4 7PR 47 0 50.42852 -3.609712
TQ4 7PS 49 0 50.428174 -3.610211
TQ4 7PT 18 4 50.428214 -3.61553
TQ4 7PU 31 1 50.431324 -3.61244
TQ4 7PW 35 2 50.428884 -3.605096
TQ4 7PY 29 4 50.430377 -3.622376
TQ4 7PZ 74 0 50.430026 -3.623214
TQ4 7QN 15 12 50.421991 -3.593587
TQ4 7QB 25 0 50.429191 -3.622927
TQ4 7QE 1 1 50.424118 -3.591683
TQ4 7QG 7 5 50.421911 -3.59281