all postcodes in TQ7 / KINGSBRIDGE

find any address or company within the TQ7 postcode district

Postcode Area

TQ / Torquay

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TQ7 2EH 1 50.252812 -3.657859
TQ7 2EJ 0 50.254753 -3.657337
TQ7 2EL 0 50.252519 -3.657638
TQ7 2EN 1 50.250732 -3.657436
TQ7 2EP 0 50.250503 -3.676491
TQ7 2ER 0 50.244042 -3.680472
TQ7 2ES 0 50.240377 -3.682629
TQ7 2ET 0 50.226005 -3.657602
TQ7 2EU 0 50.238706 -3.666246
TQ7 2EW 0 50.24134 -3.672635
TQ7 2EX 0 50.237891 -3.660987
TQ7 2EY 0 50.235481 -3.659697
TQ7 2HE 0 50.293563 -3.76953
TQ7 2HF 0 50.296834 -3.764465
TQ7 2HG 0 50.303763 -3.770105
TQ7 2HL 0 50.273768 -3.695889
TQ7 2HN 0 50.256412 -3.670301
TQ7 2HP 0 50.255128 -3.668208
TQ7 2HQ 0 50.305251 -3.760934
TQ7 2HR 0 50.281855 -3.692709