all postcodes in TR1 / ST. AGNES

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR1 3AA 5 0 50.265905 -5.056047
TR1 3AB 10 0 50.265917 -5.056623
TR1 3AD 1 0 50.265085 -5.056795
TR1 3AF 30 5 50.264366 -5.055415
TR1 3AG 7 7 50.263828 -5.054278
TR1 3AJ 29 7 50.264492 -5.056434
TR1 3AN 10 3 50.260918 -5.066047
TR1 3AQ 20 0 50.264404 -5.05466
TR1 3AR 2 2 50.264714 -5.056496
TR1 3AS 1 0 50.261061 -5.067132
TR1 3AU 1 1 50.260137 -5.068742
TR1 3AY 1 1 50.259946 -5.068814
TR1 3BA 1 1 50.262864 -5.056765
TR1 3BD 2 1 50.262372 -5.059026
TR1 3BE 1 1 50.260137 -5.068742
TR1 3BH 1 0 50.260775 -5.064671
TR1 3BJ 1 1 50.262072 -5.05952
TR1 3BL 9 0 50.263065 -5.055978
TR1 3BN 4 4 50.262496 -5.058439
TR1 3BP 9 0 50.261209 -5.06084