all postcodes in TR1 / ST. AGNES

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR1 3EY 5 0 50.272364 -5.066988
TR1 3EZ 1 0 50.271949 -5.070091
TR1 3GA 1 1 50.263607 -5.102014
TR1 3GB 1 0 50.26164 -5.085369
TR1 3GD 2 2 50.263062 -5.099149
TR1 3GT 1 0 50.264073 -5.099378
TR1 3HA 1 1 50.262948 -5.067211
TR1 3HH 6 6 50.263918 -5.064177
TR1 3HJ 25 0 50.263557 -5.063924
TR1 3HL 8 0 50.263139 -5.062353
TR1 3HN 14 0 50.263281 -5.061408
TR1 3HP 6 0 50.263219 -5.060703
TR1 3HR 24 0 50.263306 -5.059445
TR1 3HS 23 0 50.263115 -5.059545
TR1 3HT 16 0 50.263711 -5.060468
TR1 3HU 8 0 50.263097 -5.060568
TR1 3HW 10 0 50.263427 -5.060674
TR1 3HX 18 0 50.262954 -5.058118
TR1 3HY 6 0 50.263437 -5.058906
TR1 3HZ 16 0 50.263625 -5.059297