all postcodes in TR1 / ST. AGNES

find any address or company within the TR1 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR1 3XE 38 0 50.265088 -5.062479
TR1 3NP 2 0 50.262254 -5.071676
TR1 3NQ 73 0 50.265695 -5.065731
TR1 3NR 1 0 50.264554 -5.059862
TR1 3NS 5 0 50.262225 -5.070743
TR1 3NT 11 0 50.262192 -5.074375
TR1 3NU 28 0 50.262868 -5.075345
TR1 3NW 8 5 50.264516 -5.060295
TR1 3NX 16 0 50.263497 -5.076059
TR1 3NY 14 0 50.264186 -5.077226
TR1 3NZ 12 0 50.264477 -5.07914
TR1 3PA 16 0 50.263082 -5.076425
TR1 3PD 34 0 50.264785 -5.079398
TR1 3PE 68 0 50.264688 -5.075589
TR1 3PF 26 0 50.263483 -5.074206
TR1 3PG 31 0 50.264024 -5.075532
TR1 3PH 31 0 50.262511 -5.072852
TR1 3PJ 2 0 50.264534 -5.078657
TR1 3PL 9 0 50.264947 -5.076995
TR1 3PN 2 0 50.261135 -5.072811