all postcodes in TR11 / PENRYN

find any address or company within the TR11 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR11 4JN 8 0 50.158735 -5.102301
TR11 4JP 2 1 50.156533 -5.093371
TR11 4JQ 4 0 50.157434 -5.099823
TR11 4JR 19 0 50.15578 -5.091678
TR11 4JS 11 0 50.155402 -5.089988
TR11 4JT 10 0 50.154822 -5.088788
TR11 4JU 3 0 50.155133 -5.090615
TR11 4JW 1 0 50.161883 -5.101651
TR11 4JX 23 0 50.154168 -5.089376
TR11 4JY 17 0 50.154092 -5.087495
TR11 4JZ 22 0 50.154938 -5.092212
TR11 4LA 45 0 50.155753 -5.095373
TR11 4LB 5 0 50.155745 -5.092292
TR11 4LD 23 0 50.156169 -5.094616
TR11 4LE 10 0 50.156818 -5.094238
TR11 4LF 2 0 50.156311 -5.093609
TR11 4LG 14 0 50.155785 -5.093513
TR11 4LH 1 1 50.15797 -5.095222
TR11 4LJ 59 0 50.156657 -5.098232
TR11 4LL 5 0 50.156342 -5.095565