all postcodes in TR14 / CAMBORNE

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR14 0EZ 0 50.237311 -5.292822
TR14 0HA 2 50.24211 -5.305307
TR14 0HB 0 50.231171 -5.285336
TR14 0HD 0 50.232254 -5.285523
TR14 0HE 0 50.251592 -5.302506
TR14 0HF 0 50.230582 -5.284861
TR14 0HG 0 50.232652 -5.287704
TR14 0HH 1 50.244121 -5.291229
TR14 0HL 0 50.233545 -5.287912
TR14 0HN 0 50.24167 -5.286901
TR14 0HP 0 50.232206 -5.288816
TR14 0HQ 1 50.253272 -5.299718
TR14 0HT 0 50.235534 -5.288849
TR14 0HU 0 50.234877 -5.294884
TR14 0HW 0 50.233323 -5.285618
TR14 0HX 13 50.232761 -5.283518
TR14 0JA 0 50.23227 -5.296408
TR14 0JB 0 50.231595 -5.292588
TR14 0JD 0 50.239335 -5.303572
TR14 0JE 0 50.171413 -5.309905