all postcodes in TR15 / REDRUTH

find any address or company within the TR15 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR15 1DS 2 0 50.236561 -5.234365
TR15 1DT 6 0 50.236502 -5.234235
TR15 1DU 3 0 50.236163 -5.23445
TR15 1DW 34 0 50.237377 -5.236089
TR15 1DX 35 0 50.238231 -5.233202
TR15 1EE 10 0 50.243911 -5.231132
TR15 1EF 2 1 50.243789 -5.230352
TR15 1EP 34 3 50.239762 -5.231524
TR15 1EQ 4 0 50.243658 -5.230504
TR15 1ER 16 0 50.240921 -5.232865
TR15 1ES 14 0 50.241186 -5.232378
TR15 1ET 57 0 50.241731 -5.231236
TR15 1EU 64 0 50.240761 -5.230518
TR15 1EW 4 0 50.242197 -5.232566
TR15 1EX 8 0 50.241559 -5.228693
TR15 1EY 66 0 50.242092 -5.227957
TR15 1HA 8 0 50.24088 -5.228815
TR15 1HB 20 0 50.241974 -5.229303
TR15 1HD 20 0 50.242485 -5.229667
TR15 1HE 12 0 50.24042 -5.227914