all postcodes in TR16 / REDRUTH

find any address or company within the TR16 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR16 4ET 9 1 50.245327 -5.261887
TR16 4EU 10 0 50.245361 -5.260655
TR16 4EW 12 0 50.244111 -5.262239
TR16 4EX 20 2 50.245443 -5.259341
TR16 4EZ 27 0 50.244673 -5.261449
TR16 4GA 19 0 50.240212 -5.262042
TR16 4HA 11 0 50.243984 -5.260372
TR16 4HG 24 6 50.244966 -5.240097
TR16 4HH 10 1 50.247597 -5.240254
TR16 4HJ 9 0 50.249312 -5.24263
TR16 4HN 9 4 50.253112 -5.241197
TR16 4HP 3 0 50.259597 -5.242529
TR16 4HQ 1 0 50.245819 -5.24012
TR16 4HS 6 0 50.261716 -5.245599
TR16 4HT 17 1 50.263003 -5.246816
TR16 4HU 3 0 50.264776 -5.248396
TR16 4HW 8 1 50.257111 -5.238459
TR16 4HX 2 0 50.277726 -5.249229
TR16 4HY 2 0 50.254914 -5.246918
TR16 4HZ 8 8 50.255027 -5.238661