all postcodes in TR18 / PENZANCE

find any address or company within the TR18 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR18 5BD 17 0 50.104738 -5.550314
TR18 5BE 16 1 50.10516 -5.549771
TR18 5BG 22 0 50.105436 -5.550142
TR18 5BH 7 0 50.105624 -5.551652
TR18 5BJ 8 0 50.105426 -5.551693
TR18 5BL 7 0 50.104807 -5.551606
TR18 5BN 6 0 50.104462 -5.551692
TR18 5BP 11 0 50.104898 -5.55101
TR18 5BQ 14 0 50.105266 -5.550423
TR18 5BS 3 0 50.10581 -5.551148
TR18 5BT 8 0 50.106266 -5.551546
TR18 5BU 2 1 50.106443 -5.551362
TR18 5BW 5 0 50.104253 -5.551775
TR18 5BX 8 0 50.106899 -5.552306
TR18 5BY 7 0 50.105796 -5.551609
TR18 5BZ 5 0 50.105996 -5.551554
TR18 5DA 15 0 50.101544 -5.555309
TR18 5DG 48 0 50.100229 -5.554176
TR18 5DH 25 0 50.09972 -5.554991
TR18 5DJ 8 0 50.100144 -5.556072