all postcodes in TR21 / ISLES OF SCILLY

find any address or company within the TR21 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR21 0JX 0 49.914391 -6.311512
TR21 0JY 12 49.916147 -6.307864
TR21 0JZ 0 49.91541 -6.308951
TR21 0LA 0 49.915375 -6.311819
TR21 0LE 1 49.913052 -6.309288
TR21 0LJ 1 49.914895 -6.316351
TR21 0LL 9 49.914829 -6.316665
TR21 0LN 9 49.914977 -6.31549
TR21 0LP 7 49.914392 -6.315107
TR21 0LQ 1 49.913207 -6.309483
TR21 0LS 1 49.913936 -6.319136
TR21 0LW 1 49.914376 -6.315301
TR21 0NA 4 49.913977 -6.309106
TR21 0PB 0 49.914158 -6.307631
TR21 0NB 0 49.91478 -6.310502
TR21 0ND 0 49.914187 -6.310226
TR21 0NE 2 49.919095 -6.306246
TR21 0NF 2 49.9231 -6.307454
TR21 0NG 5 49.915383 -6.295965
TR21 0NH 2 49.912272 -6.300022