all postcodes in TR26 / ST. IVES

find any address or company within the TR26 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR26 1RZ 12 50.212662 -5.480517
TR26 1SB 6 50.211737 -5.481052
TR26 1SD 14 50.211799 -5.480871
TR26 1SE 12 50.211038 -5.480385
TR26 1SF 9 50.211146 -5.480673
TR26 1FF 1 50.211295 -5.482376
TR26 1SG 1 50.2116 -5.482118
TR26 1SH 1 50.211709 -5.482284
TR26 1SJ 0 50.211708 -5.48262
TR26 1SL 0 50.211456 -5.483233
TR26 1SN 0 50.211287 -5.483767
TR26 1SP 2 50.211965 -5.482817
TR26 1SQ 0 50.211225 -5.482838
TR26 1SR 0 50.211159 -5.483534
TR26 1ST 1 50.21131 -5.480961
TR26 1SW 0 50.211429 -5.483834
TR26 1SY 0 50.216369 -5.478764
TR26 1SZ 0 50.216977 -5.478598
TR26 1TG 1 50.214835 -5.482456
TR26 1HD 6 0 50.214638 -5.482199