all postcodes in TR5 / ST. AGNES

find any address or company within the TR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR5 0RY 0 50.318426 -5.203456
TR5 0RZ 1 50.320008 -5.203169
TR5 0SA 0 50.318411 -5.203033
TR5 0SB 0 50.313093 -5.195581
TR5 0SD 0 50.312273 -5.195933
TR5 0SE 0 50.313955 -5.20411
TR5 0SF 0 50.313895 -5.205005
TR5 0SG 0 50.3155 -5.20812
TR5 0SH 0 50.314203 -5.20719
TR5 0SJ 0 50.313699 -5.208181
TR5 0SL 0 50.313318 -5.206652
TR5 0SN 0 50.314227 -5.208947
TR5 0SP 0 50.315421 -5.205094
TR5 0SQ 0 50.315777 -5.206907
TR5 0SR 0 50.314792 -5.20411
TR5 0SS 1 50.318326 -5.208057
TR5 0ST 2 50.318428 -5.21841
TR5 0SU 0 50.312814 -5.204769
TR5 0SW 0 50.314733 -5.208195
TR5 0SX 0 50.312014 -5.20442