all postcodes in TR8 / NEWQUAY

find any address or company within the TR8 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR8 5BA 1 0 50.34381 -5.000069
TR8 5BB 4 0 50.336307 -4.998345
TR8 5BD 2 0 50.349907 -5.002903
TR8 5BE 5 0 50.354555 -4.978222
TR8 5BG 5 1 50.353188 -4.983114
TR8 5BH 8 1 50.364963 -4.958119
TR8 5BJ 4 0 50.360557 -4.960191
TR8 5BL 2 0 50.349678 -4.961007
TR8 5BN 3 0 50.362449 -4.938779
TR8 5BP 1 0 50.370159 -4.939467
TR8 5BQ 7 0 50.35875 -4.970343
TR8 5BS 1 0 50.375258 -4.935984
TR8 5BT 3 0 50.377326 -4.940262
TR8 5BU 3 0 50.376708 -4.946933
TR8 5BW 2 0 50.365327 -4.938059
TR8 5BX 8 0 50.374025 -4.94913
TR8 5BY 10 0 50.369394 -4.957549
TR8 5BZ 2 1 50.352066 -5.003967
TR8 5DA 10 0 50.35216 -5.00726
TR8 5DD 17 0 50.38665 -5.141531