all postcodes in TR8 / NEWQUAY

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR8 4EP 11 4 50.454158 -4.997228
TR8 4EQ 26 1 50.448138 -4.998355
TR8 4ER 3 2 50.454252 -4.999223
TR8 4ES 3 0 50.453494 -4.999638
TR8 4ET 5 1 50.456053 -4.997701
TR8 4EU 16 1 50.457935 -4.999736
TR8 4EW 18 0 50.45255 -4.997859
TR8 4EX 2 0 50.457661 -4.993295
TR8 4EY 19 0 50.456219 -4.995442
TR8 4EZ 9 1 50.455037 -4.992803
TR8 4HA 1 0 50.454246 -4.988231
TR8 4HB 11 0 50.454606 -4.986846
TR8 4HD 9 0 50.461586 -4.977378
TR8 4HE 4 0 50.460982 -4.987262
TR8 4HF 2 0 50.468266 -4.985255
TR8 4HG 1 1 50.463461 -4.968082
TR8 4HH 5 1 50.463883 -4.994815
TR8 4HJ 22 0 50.448793 -4.99703
TR8 4HN 10 3 50.398387 -4.97236
TR8 4HP 7 5 50.435901 -5.012076