all postcodes in TS1 / MIDDLESBROUGH

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Postcode Area

TS / Cleveland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TS1 1JZ 0 54.577005 -1.232374
TS1 1LA 1 54.576676 -1.240904
TS1 1LB 5 54.57667 -1.239945
TS1 1LE 10 54.576641 -1.238197
TS1 1LF 1 54.576703 -1.237315
TS1 1LJ 4 54.576545 -1.235894
TS1 1LN 1 54.576579 -1.235599
TS1 1LP 2 54.57654 -1.235012
TS1 1LT 6 54.576379 -1.232912
TS1 1LW 1 54.576506 -1.235399
TS1 1LY 0 54.57627 -1.231259
TS1 1NG 4 54.576598 -1.234903
TS1 1NS 4 54.576965 -1.234711
TS1 1PE 2 54.577221 -1.234736
TS1 1PQ 4 54.577696 -1.234588
TS1 1PR 4 54.577553 -1.233895
TS1 1QA 2 54.577743 -1.233985
TS1 1QD 13 54.576929 -1.234123
TS1 1QP 1 54.575852 -1.244942
TS1 1QS 1 54.575852 -1.244942