all postcodes in TS17 / STOCKTON-ON-TEES

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Postcode Area

TS / Cleveland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TS17 8PQ 18 0 54.546322 -1.305127
TS17 8PR 1 0 54.544529 -1.304415
TS17 8PS 11 0 54.544263 -1.305053
TS17 8PT 5 0 54.543507 -1.304819
TS17 8PU 2 0 54.542297 -1.304744
TS17 8PW 7 1 54.544873 -1.303204
TS17 8PX 1 1 54.54394 -1.306636
TS17 8PY 1 0 54.542969 -1.306498
TS17 8PZ 7 0 54.543645 -1.306826
TS17 8QA 30 0 54.544252 -1.307743
TS17 8QB 9 0 54.544302 -1.307001
TS17 8QD 10 0 54.545095 -1.307404
TS17 8QE 25 0 54.542391 -1.307667
TS17 8QF 7 0 54.54252 -1.306552
TS17 8QG 20 0 54.542559 -1.307169
TS17 8QH 18 2 54.54308 -1.303961
TS17 8QJ 11 0 54.541644 -1.304232
TS17 8QL 8 0 54.541246 -1.303806
TS17 8QN 21 4 54.541601 -1.303136
TS17 8QQ 1 0 54.54332 -1.306723