all postcodes in TS1 / MIDDLESBROUGH

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Postcode Area

TS / Cleveland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TS1 1WZ 1 54.575852 -1.244942
TS1 1JP 1 54.578215 -1.230479
TS1 1RF 1 54.575852 -1.244942
TS1 1RY 4 54.578244 -1.235105
TS1 1HG 0 54.578138 -1.231996
TS1 1DA 5 0 54.579013 -1.233125
TS1 1DF 13 0 54.578795 -1.232046
TS1 1DE 2 2 54.578669 -1.233487
TS1 1LG 38 0 54.576207 -1.23126
TS1 1LH 39 0 54.576207 -1.23126
TS1 1LL 40 0 54.576207 -1.23126
TS1 1LR 32 0 54.576207 -1.23126
TS1 1LS 40 0 54.576207 -1.23126
TS1 1LZ 40 0 54.576207 -1.23126
TS1 1AE 1 1 54.576745 -1.230491
TS1 2AA 2 54.575257 -1.227549
TS1 2AB 0 54.574803 -1.22765
TS1 2AD 1 54.574762 -1.227435
TS1 2AE 2 54.575209 -1.231232
TS1 2AG 1 54.574192 -1.227615