all postcodes in TS2 / MIDDLESBROUGH

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Postcode Area

TS / Cleveland

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
TS2 1SS12054.589349-1.23174
TS2 1SU22054.590193-1.234571
TS2 1SX16054.590034-1.234899
TS2 1SY1154.59056-1.23571
TS2 1SZ13154.591383-1.236499
TS2 1TA8054.591715-1.236369
TS2 1TB12054.591747-1.237158
TS2 1TD4454.591461-1.237503
TS2 1TF8054.592334-1.23775
TS2 1TG13054.59206-1.238343
TS2 1TH20054.592659-1.239292
TS2 1TJ24054.592996-1.240013
TS2 1TL23054.593703-1.240959
TS2 1TN24054.593937-1.241094
TS2 1TP2254.603677-1.217568
TS2 1TQ22054.592403-1.238569
TS2 1TT3354.59754-1.195814
TS2 1TW2254.589241-1.232592
TS2 1TX1154.575852-1.244942
TS2 1UA1154.609626-1.168111