all postcodes in TS3 / MIDDLESBROUGH

find any address or company within the TS3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TS / Cleveland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TS3 7NJ 4 0 54.55548 -1.208503
TS3 7NL 16 0 54.555261 -1.208027
TS3 7NN 26 0 54.555679 -1.207324
TS3 7NP 13 1 54.556846 -1.206573
TS3 7NQ 30 0 54.554698 -1.208595
TS3 7NR 14 0 54.557461 -1.20633
TS3 7NS 8 0 54.557059 -1.205333
TS3 7NT 22 0 54.557763 -1.205891
TS3 7NU 34 0 54.558268 -1.206052
TS3 7NW 29 0 54.556418 -1.206335
TS3 7NX 28 0 54.559142 -1.205138
TS3 7PA 15 9 54.562082 -1.205359
TS3 7PB 11 9 54.561339 -1.205048
TS3 7PE 17 1 54.560013 -1.206312
TS3 7PF 20 0 54.558848 -1.206937
TS3 7PG 8 0 54.559364 -1.207469
TS3 7PH 8 0 54.558024 -1.208701
TS3 7PJ 22 0 54.557884 -1.207837
TS3 7PL 14 0 54.557116 -1.207203
TS3 7PN 10 0 54.557248 -1.208144