all postcodes in TS9 / MIDDLESBROUGH

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Postcode Area

TS / Cleveland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TS9 6QQ 14 0 54.497744 -1.139719
TS9 6QR 21 1 54.510145 -1.121495
TS9 6QS 2 0 54.508356 -1.120251
TS9 6QT 5 0 54.510552 -1.119896
TS9 6QU 3 1 54.514465 -1.122917
TS9 6QW 1 0 54.499959 -1.1303
TS9 6QX 1 0 54.513684 -1.100505
TS9 6QY 3 0 54.481245 -1.177432
TS9 6RA 1 0 54.4481 -1.105243
TS9 6RB 7 0 54.444449 -1.097721
TS9 6RD 5 0 54.440794 -1.1042
TS9 6RE 1 0 54.440257 -1.107709
TS9 6RF 4 0 54.433128 -1.112692
TS9 6RG 4 0 54.433076 -1.093127
TS9 6RH 4 0 54.427465 -1.079042
TS9 6RQ 8 0 54.42374 -1.091548
TS9 6RW 11 0 54.494363 -1.131498
TS9 6BF 3 0 54.487853 -1.132764
TS9 6SA 18 0 54.487727 -1.132674
TS9 6SB 3 0 54.487751 -1.131114