all postcodes in TS9 / MIDDLESBROUGH

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Postcode Area

TS / Cleveland

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TS9 5NF 1 0 54.491134 -1.21853
TS9 5NG 3 1 54.486199 -1.211415
TS9 5NJ 1 0 54.47095 -1.2243
TS9 5NL 1 0 54.470474 -1.213168
TS9 5NN 11 0 54.483906 -1.227975
TS9 5NP 8 0 54.48463 -1.228841
TS9 5NQ 23 5 54.479987 -1.219437
TS9 5NR 3 0 54.484784 -1.230351
TS9 5NS 34 0 54.466448 -1.195487
TS9 5NT 8 0 54.466233 -1.196988
TS9 5NU 5 0 54.46719 -1.193636
TS9 5NW 14 0 54.466688 -1.215586
TS9 5NX 6 0 54.466622 -1.193323
TS9 5NY 1 1 54.468901 -1.179438
TS9 5PA 18 0 54.471527 -1.194369
TS9 5PB 14 0 54.474202 -1.221306
TS9 5PE 59 0 54.474277 -1.190349
TS9 5PF 36 0 54.472426 -1.191759
TS9 5PG 30 0 54.472521 -1.19242
TS9 5PH 25 0 54.47344 -1.190196