all postcodes in UB1 / SOUTHALL

find any address or company within the UB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 3LP 1 1 51.518012 -0.357059
UB1 3LQ 1 1 51.517607 -0.3559
UB1 3LR 24 0 51.516523 -0.355535
UB1 3LS 38 0 51.517216 -0.355553
UB1 3LT 36 0 51.517296 -0.355493
UB1 3LU 37 0 51.515888 -0.35576
UB1 3LX 36 0 51.515792 -0.355951
UB1 3LY 8 0 51.515231 -0.35574
UB1 3LZ 16 0 51.515213 -0.356332
UB1 3NA 24 0 51.515297 -0.357208
UB1 3NB 24 0 51.51531 -0.358144
UB1 3ND 36 0 51.515571 -0.359446
UB1 3NE 36 0 51.515671 -0.359558
UB1 3NR 65 0 51.517224 -0.358032
UB1 3NS 24 0 51.516001 -0.358018
UB1 3NT 24 0 51.51657 -0.357594
UB1 3NU 19 0 51.517015 -0.356642
UB1 3NX 19 0 51.51638 -0.356837
UB1 3NY 24 0 51.517086 -0.357201
UB1 3NZ 24 0 51.515755 -0.357163