all postcodes in UB10 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB10 8JP 0 51.568091 -0.451186
UB10 8JQ 0 51.570441 -0.450038
UB10 8JR 0 51.568075 -0.449989
UB10 8JS 0 51.569067 -0.450656
UB10 8JT 0 51.569012 -0.450101
UB10 8JU 0 51.569597 -0.45011
UB10 8JW 0 51.568993 -0.452771
UB10 8JX 0 51.570558 -0.450756
UB10 8JY 0 51.571251 -0.451439
UB10 8LA 0 51.569871 -0.439567
UB10 8LB 3 51.569053 -0.439595
UB10 8LD 1 51.561299 -0.45234
UB10 8LE 13 51.565596 -0.443379
UB10 8LF 1 51.566432 -0.442686
UB10 8LG 1 51.568193 -0.441061
UB10 8LH 4 51.568912 -0.439831
UB10 8LJ 4 51.564577 -0.443125
UB10 8LL 0 51.568596 -0.441097
UB10 8LN 0 51.567027 -0.444181
UB10 8LP 0 51.567916 -0.442679