all postcodes in UB1 / SOUTHALL

find any address or company within the UB1 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB1 1ED 0 51.509352 -0.388289
UB1 1EE 0 51.5104 -0.387964
UB1 1EF 0 51.511537 -0.387606
UB1 1EH 0 51.510986 -0.387395
UB1 1EJ 0 51.50966 -0.387788
UB1 1EL 0 51.508963 -0.387395
UB1 1EN 0 51.510082 -0.387038
UB1 1EP 0 51.511446 -0.386226
UB1 1EQ 17 1 51.511774 -0.387151
UB1 1ER 24 0 51.510095 -0.386628
UB1 1ES 23 0 51.508903 -0.387022
UB1 1ET 31 0 51.50859 -0.386486
UB1 1EU 20 0 51.51005 -0.386045
UB1 1EW 32 0 51.511443 -0.386615
UB1 1EX 38 0 51.511339 -0.385625
UB1 1HA 19 0 51.511594 -0.385148
UB1 1HB 22 0 51.510877 -0.385382
UB1 1HD 16 0 51.510125 -0.385596
UB1 1HE 33 1 51.509024 -0.385931
UB1 1HF 1 1 51.50371 -0.414351