all postcodes in UB4 / HAYES

find any address or company within the UB4 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB4 8AA 17 0 51.52512 -0.426985
UB4 8AB 54 0 51.526374 -0.426547
UB4 8AD 2 0 51.527551 -0.426463
UB4 8AE 26 0 51.528211 -0.425509
UB4 8AF 22 0 51.529175 -0.425678
UB4 8AG 20 0 51.530271 -0.425597
UB4 8AH 14 0 51.524818 -0.423925
UB4 8AJ 19 0 51.525506 -0.423584
UB4 8AN 24 0 51.528711 -0.427265
UB4 8AP 52 0 51.528223 -0.423058
UB4 8AQ 30 0 51.525545 -0.425183
UB4 8AR 36 0 51.529654 -0.423138
UB4 8AS 9 0 51.530787 -0.423157
UB4 8AT 31 0 51.530647 -0.422095
UB4 8AU 38 0 51.530806 -0.420561
UB4 8AW 10 0 51.526461 -0.4258
UB4 8BA 54 0 51.524457 -0.422539
UB4 8BB 32 0 51.524641 -0.422115
UB4 8BD 15 0 51.527341 -0.421647
UB4 8BE 48 1 51.528672 -0.420981