all postcodes in UB6 / GREENFORD

find any address or company within the UB6 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB6 9DX 1 51.526651 -0.353109
UB6 9DY 0 51.527007 -0.353528
UB6 9DZ 1 51.524631 -0.355178
UB6 9EA 0 51.525904 -0.353676
UB6 9EB 0 51.525555 -0.354489
UB6 9ED 0 51.525102 -0.353561
UB6 9EE 0 51.524112 -0.354195
UB6 9EF 1 51.546772 -0.370915
UB6 9EG 1 51.527214 -0.355482
UB6 9EH 5 51.527789 -0.357349
UB6 9EJ 0 51.526468 -0.358694
UB6 9EL 0 51.525431 -0.35977
UB6 9EN 1 51.525654 -0.358969
UB6 9EP 0 51.523993 -0.363036
UB6 9EQ 0 51.528245 -0.357131
UB6 9ER 0 51.527907 -0.358037
UB6 9ES 0 51.525881 -0.357245
UB6 9ET 0 51.526554 -0.357106
UB6 9EU 0 51.524367 -0.358885
UB6 9EW 0 51.524707 -0.360704