all postcodes in UB6 / GREENFORD

find any address or company within the UB6 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB6 0BT 0 51.551826 -0.34718
UB6 0BU 0 51.551944 -0.34344
UB6 0BW 0 51.552532 -0.339827
UB6 0BX 0 51.551507 -0.34875
UB6 0BY 1 51.551551 -0.346137
UB6 0BZ 0 51.550891 -0.347171
UB6 0DA 0 51.549352 -0.348972
UB6 0DB 0 51.549295 -0.351339
UB6 0DE 0 51.549942 -0.344926
UB6 0DF 0 51.550691 -0.345613
UB6 0DG 0 51.549729 -0.344473
UB6 0DH 0 51.551077 -0.34438
UB6 0DJ 1 51.551944 -0.341464
UB6 0DL 0 51.551797 -0.340524
UB6 0DP 0 51.553095 -0.338927
UB6 0DQ 0 51.549939 -0.344076
UB6 0DR 0 51.553872 -0.338567
UB6 0TP 7 51.547351 -0.351748
UB6 0DX 0 51.5533 -0.340722
UB6 0DY 0 51.552507 -0.344401