all postcodes in UB7 / WEST DRAYTON

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB7 7JB 29 0 51.506199 -0.47111
UB7 7JE 36 0 51.506247 -0.473457
UB7 7JF 1 0 51.502991 -0.466448
UB7 7JP 7 0 51.507043 -0.47307
UB7 7JR 43 0 51.508495 -0.472027
UB7 7JS 10 2 51.505357 -0.469971
UB7 7JU 18 0 51.507377 -0.472525
UB7 7JX 4 0 51.506977 -0.473412
UB7 7JY 32 1 51.507141 -0.474378
UB7 7JG 16 0 51.507632 -0.473468
UB7 7JZ 40 4 51.505944 -0.475023
UB7 7LA 37 3 51.504929 -0.475086
UB7 7LB 12 0 51.505527 -0.474734
UB7 7LE 49 0 51.505559 -0.476506
UB7 7LF 58 0 51.505163 -0.477182
UB7 7LG 55 0 51.506745 -0.472302
UB7 7LH 47 1 51.505306 -0.473675
UB7 7LJ 2 0 51.506072 -0.472995
UB7 7LN 10 3 51.508129 -0.472918
UB7 7LQ 48 0 51.505661 -0.471934