all postcodes in UB9 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB9 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB9 5DQ 1 51.59292 -0.512506
UB9 5DR 0 51.585389 -0.5271
UB9 5DS 0 51.58837 -0.522219
UB9 5DW 0 51.581564 -0.518939
UB9 5EA 1 51.578797 -0.516301
UB9 5EB 0 51.579364 -0.519934
UB9 5ED 0 51.579194 -0.523519
UB9 5EE 0 51.579219 -0.516273
UB9 5EF 0 51.579861 -0.516555
UB9 5EG 0 51.579943 -0.520189
UB9 5EJ 0 51.580391 -0.519202
UB9 5EH 0 51.580812 -0.523538
UB9 5EL 0 51.579896 -0.517174
UB9 5EN 9 51.57732 -0.520182
UB9 5EQ 0 51.579952 -0.524519
UB9 5ER 0 51.570036 -0.504797
UB9 5ES 1 51.578781 -0.497395
UB9 5ET 12 51.579799 -0.499613
UB9 5EX 0 51.578693 -0.500342
UB9 5EY 1 51.581839 -0.500282