all postcodes in UB9 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB9 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB9 5JL 2 51.583564 -0.504397
UB9 5JN 0 51.583084 -0.504109
UB9 5JP 3 51.581716 -0.503288
UB9 5JQ 0 51.579475 -0.50223
UB9 5JR 0 51.583203 -0.502879
UB9 5JS 0 51.58246 -0.502427
UB9 5JT 0 51.582026 -0.502917
UB9 5JU 0 51.582086 -0.50202
UB9 5JW 0 51.580435 -0.50279
UB9 5JX 0 51.582628 -0.506448
UB9 5LA 1 51.587254 -0.50748
UB9 5LD 1 51.583706 -0.500668
UB9 5LE 0 51.583107 -0.500032
UB9 5LF 0 51.583601 -0.502317
UB9 5LG 0 51.584887 -0.505869
UB9 5LH 0 51.583937 -0.501166
UB9 5LJ 0 51.584291 -0.500057
UB9 5LL 0 51.586195 -0.505494
UB9 5LQ 0 51.586444 -0.50742
UB9 5NA 0 51.580451 -0.49721