all postcodes in UB9 / UXBRIDGE

find any address or company within the UB9 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB9 5HA 0 51.582157 -0.498923
UB9 5HB 4 51.581402 -0.499156
UB9 5HD 0 51.598163 -0.505282
UB9 5HE 1 51.59754 -0.501007
UB9 5HJ 1 51.583658 -0.496224
UB9 5HN 1 51.537324 -0.487355
UB9 5HT 1 51.582786 -0.501189
UB9 5HU 0 51.5817 -0.501355
UB9 5HX 0 51.580837 -0.501325
UB9 5HY 0 51.580038 -0.501453
UB9 5HZ 0 51.580371 -0.502163
UB9 5JA 0 51.57987 -0.503075
UB9 5JB 0 51.580645 -0.505344
UB9 5JD 0 51.580282 -0.507218
UB9 5JE 0 51.582098 -0.504344
UB9 5JF 0 51.581048 -0.503786
UB9 5JG 0 51.581241 -0.505541
UB9 5JH 0 51.581118 -0.506498
UB9 5JJ 0 51.582283 -0.505478
UB9 5JL 2 51.583564 -0.504397