all postcodes in W12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the W12 postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W12 0TN 3 3 51.516849 -0.231304
W12 0TU 10 0 51.515813 -0.241456
W12 0TX 34 1 51.515804 -0.241471
W12 0TZ 25 0 51.515776 -0.237235
W12 0UA 25 0 51.515933 -0.236263
W12 0UB 30 0 51.516097 -0.234671
W12 0UD 32 0 51.516209 -0.233687
W12 0UE 32 0 51.516307 -0.232458
W12 0UH 12 0 51.51654 -0.228226
W12 0UJ 32 0 51.51654 -0.228226
W12 0UL 24 0 51.51654 -0.228226
W12 0UN 24 0 51.51654 -0.228226
W12 0UP 12 0 51.51654 -0.228226
W12 0UQ 40 0 51.516027 -0.235395
W12 0UW 32 0 51.51654 -0.228226
W12 0WA 1 1 51.513921 -0.321631
W12 0WB 1 1 51.513921 -0.321631
W12 0WN 1 1 51.513921 -0.321631
W12 0XT 1 1 51.513921 -0.321631
W12 0YX 1 1 51.515551 -0.235975