all postcodes in W13 / LONDON

find any address or company within the W13 postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
W13 0DN051.522175-0.32473
W13 0DQ051.523359-0.327021
W13 0DS051.521745-0.329891
W13 0DT051.515898-0.323461
W13 0DU051.515923-0.325161
W13 0DW051.52171-0.324825
W13 0DX051.516387-0.324308
W13 0DY051.515859-0.324457
W13 0DZ051.515908-0.324743
W13 0EA051.517877-0.326617
W13 0EB151.518066-0.326005
W13 0ED051.521143-0.327982
W13 0EE051.51918-0.326598
W13 0EF051.519943-0.327074
W13 0EG051.51992-0.326729
W13 0EH151.520085-0.326363
W13 0EJ051.521102-0.327046
W13 0EL051.521954-0.328111
W13 0EN051.52191-0.327579
W13 0EQ051.519994-0.327548