all postcodes in W1F / LONDON

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Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1F 9BQ 2 2 51.512735 -0.137637
W1F 9BT 15 0 51.511629 -0.135938
W1F 9BW 3 3 51.512796 -0.139206
W1F 9BY 2 0 51.511647 -0.136374
W1F 9BZ 10 10 51.511487 -0.136016
W1F 9DE 1 1 51.512279 -0.137195
W1F 9DF 1 1 51.512279 -0.137195
W1F 9DG 2 0 51.512155 -0.137344
W1F 9DJ 1 1 51.512248 -0.136936
W1F 9SX 3 3 51.512361 -0.13784
W1F 9DQ 1 0 51.512155 -0.137344
W1F 9DU 1 0 51.511052 -0.136928
W1F 9DX 1 1 51.511088 -0.136969
W1F 9DY 2 1 51.511035 -0.137451
W1F 9DZ 1 1 51.510894 -0.137222
W1F 9EA 1 1 51.510874 -0.137079
W1F 9EB 5 5 51.510874 -0.137079
W1F 9EE 1 1 51.512098 -0.137692
W1F 9EG 1 1 51.511337 -0.136224
W1F 9EJ 1 0 51.511388 -0.136568