all postcodes in W1G / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1G postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1G 9JJ 1 51.517936 -0.148595
W1G 9JR 2 51.517591 -0.148999
W1G 9JS 0 51.517576 -0.149158
W1G 9JW 0 51.517623 -0.148723
W1G 9LD 2 51.518434 -0.145995
W1G 9LG 0 51.518524 -0.146539
W1G 9LJ 0 51.518152 -0.145776
W1G 9LQ 2 51.518725 -0.145511
W1G 9LU 1 51.518479 -0.14484
W1G 9ND 1 51.518759 -0.14604
W1G 9NF 0 51.518724 -0.145537
W1G 9NG 0 51.518905 -0.146221
W1G 9NH 1 51.519359 -0.146477
W1G 9NJ 0 51.519127 -0.146558
W1G 9NL 0 51.518763 -0.146299
W1G 9NN 0 51.519105 -0.145766
W1G 9NP 0 51.519223 -0.145819
W1G 9NQ 2 51.519015 -0.14622
W1G 9NR 0 51.519223 -0.145819
W1G 9NW 1 51.519223 -0.145819